Task: A process to send RFQ (Request for Quote) to the vendor which is then filled by him to generate a RFQ record in Zoho CRM.
(e.g., “By following the instructions, you’ll be able to achieve below steps smoothly”
“This article will help you set up your Zoho Form https://help.zoho.com/portal/en/kb/crm/integrations/zoho/zoho-forms/articles/zoho-forms-crm-integration#What_are_Zoho_Forms”)
Prerequisites (if applicable): [Should know how to create Zoho Form]
Step 1: Create RFQ Module in Zoho CRM with appropriate field depending on your use case
Step 2: Create Zoho Form for RFQ with same fields as RFQ Module in Zoho CRM
Step 3: Follow the above Zoho article to integrate Zoho Form and CRM, Map the field while integration process
Step 4: Write the code while making changes to the fields api name to trigger RFQ process from any module (The code is attached in the mail)
Step 5: Create an Email Template for sending RFQ Form
Step 5: Create a Workflow to trigger the Email
Outcome: A Zoho form is triggered from RFQ record which is then filled by vendor and once submitted the value from the form updates the RFQ record
data = zoho.crm.getRecordById("Quotes",id); resp = invokeurl [ url :" https://www.zohoapis.in/crm/v2.1/Quotes/" + id + "" type :GET connection:"zohocrmconnection" ]; sform = resp.getJSON("data").get(0).get("Quoted_Items"); sbject = data.get("Subject"); info sform.size(); mp = Map(); mp.put("Name",sbject); mp.put("Status","RFQ Not send"); for each qItems in sform { chkBox = qItems.get("CreateRFQ"); prdctName = qItems.get("Product_Name").get("name"); //info "prdctName :"+prdctName; qntyName = qItems.get("Quantity").toString(); tax = qItems.get("Tax").toString(); total = qItems.get("Net_Total").toString(); listPrice = qItems.get("List_Price").toString(); if(chkBox == true) { mp.put("Product_Name",prdctName); mp.put("Quantity",qntyName); mp.put("Tax",tax); mp.put("List_Price",listPrice); mp.put("Quote",id); //mp.put("",); res = zoho.crm.createRecord("RFQ",mp); info res; } else { info "no rec is created"; } }